Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This is amazing Kate! Thank you so much for sharing. I have a free evening and know I'm going to be sucked into learning about blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Hi All,

    I'd like to start next week's class with Kate's walking us through our new class blog. We will be able to share so many ideas and thoughts with this forum. We really will be the envy of the school--thanks to Kate!

    And, at the risk of sounding like your mother, can you all drop an email to Carolann Page? She was a wonderful guest and the time just flew. I know she would appreciate hearing from you and, please do tell her specifically if something really answered a long-held question for you, or if a comment she made encouraged you or made you feel more secure. Her email is divacap@aol.com.
    Be well,
